1. If I started naturopathic care today, how would my life be different a year from now? • Better sleep • More energy • Better moods • Fewer chronic symptoms • Deeper understanding of what your symptoms mean and how they relate • Knowing the BEST lifestyle for you and its influence on your well-being • Increased vitality and vibrancy
2. How does Dr. McCubbins define optimal health? • Minimal symptoms • Good sleep, vibrant energy, positive mental outlook, balanced appetite • Ability to adjust to changing life conditions • Quick adaption to stressful situations • Understanding the impact of your food choices and lifestyle • Acute illnesses occur once or twice a year • Absence of chronic disease • High level of fulfillment and self-reported well-being
3. What types of conditions can a naturopathic doctor treat? Naturopaths are trained as primary care physicians and specialists in providing alternative treatments for any range of conditions. They treat a broad scope of conditions from earaches and sore throats to chronic diseases. Dr. McCubbins has special interest in gastrointestinal, endocrine, autoimmune, neurological, and womens health conditions, but is open to treating just about any condition. In the case where she feels another provider would be more appropriate, she's happy to provide a referral. See Common Conditions for examples.
4. What role would a ND have in my health or on my health care team? • Can act as your primary care, but can also complement your conventional care • Partner in looking beyond your symptoms for the underlying cause • Part therapist, part primary care, part health coach, part cheerleader • By removing chronic health issues, can help you attain your lifes purpose and do more of what you love to do • Your trusted advisor as you restore balance and health to your life
5. If my symptoms are currently managed with medications, why should I seek naturopathic care? • To find out about the reasons why you developed your illness • To determine how to prevent a progression of your current diagnosis • To achieve true cure, meaning life without daily medication or supplements • To regain a sense of power over your health, to feel like YOU can have an impact on your illness
8. What is the difference between a naturopathic doctor and a homeopath or an herbalist? Naturopathic doctors are trained as primary care physicians, which is not true of homeopaths or herbalists. Naturopathic doctors have been trained in homeopathy and herbal medicine, which can be used along with other modalities.